How to Install Theme

There are several ways to install WordPress theme:

Adding New Theme via WordPress Dashboard:

Step 1 – Please download installable zip file In case, if you’ve downloaded the main zip file “Surfy”, please unzip it and use the installable one located in the following folder “Theme v…” ;
Step 2 – Select the Appearance screen, then Themes;
Step 3 – Select Add New;
Step 4 – Use the Upload Theme button at the top of page to upload a file;
Step 5 – Install all required plugins.

Upload WordPress Theme via FTP :

Step 1 – Please unzip the installable zip file that you’ve downloaded ( In case, if you’ve downloaded the main zip file “Surfy”, please unzip it and use the installable one located in the following folder “Theme(v…)” ;
Step 2 – Upload “surfy” theme folder to the theme directory (/wp-content/themes/) of your WordPress website using FTP. You can use any FTP client to do that;
Step 3 – Log into your WordPress dashboard and activate “surfy” theme in Appearance -> Themes section;
Step 4 – At the top of WordPress dashboard, you will see a message ‘This theme requires the following plugins…’,  please install and activate all those plugins.

Please read more about WordPress theme installation on the official website:

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