Files & Sources
Included Stylesheets
These are the primary CSS files used for general front-end styling. Use these to customize your theme even further. All files are included under oConnor/css/
- 1. style.css – Primary stylesheet
- 2. bootstrap-grid.min.css – Bootstrap stylesheet
- 3. font-awesome.min.css – the Font Awesome icons stylesheet
- 4. normalize.css – makes browsers render all elements in line with modern standards.
- 5. slick.css – used for sliders, testimonials and carousels
- 6. swipebox.min.css – used for pop-ups and modal windows
Included JavaScript
These are the various attribution links to the Javascript files included or modified to work with in this theme. All included JavaScript codes under oConnor/js/
- 1. jquery-2.2.4.min.js
- 2. jquery.imagesloaded.min.js
- 3. jquery.isotope.min.js
- 4. jquery.leanmodal.min.js
- 5. jquery.mediaelement-and-player.min.js
- 6. jquery.nivo.min.js
- 7. jquery.sticky.min.js
- 8. jquery.superfish.min.js
- 10. jquery.swipebox.min.js
- 11. jquery.typed.min.js
- 12. jquery.waypoint.min.js
- 13. slick.min.js
- 14. main.js