Creating Blog Pages
There are different blog types in the oConnor Template. You can find 6 pages that come with this template in blog style. Please check some of them presented below.
Fullwidth Blog
You can find all required code in blog_fullwidth.html file.
Please open the page in any code editor to change cover images, links to posts and add short description to style it according your needs.
Blog with sidebar
We present ready-made blog layouts with the sidebar.
There are several pages with different left or right sidebars: blog_with_right_sidebar.html and blog_with_left_sidebar.html. Please open one of them to edit the content.
We want to show a code example of the simple blog listing, please see it below.
- src="img/blog/blog_img_01.jpg" is the path to an image.
- <a href="blog_post_right_sidebar.html"is the path of a post item.
- So You’ve Had a Compliance Breach—Now What? – is a blog post item title.
- Carla Johnson – is a blog post author.
- 12/01/2019 – is a blog post date of publish.